Thursday, September 29, 2011


On a rainy afternoon, specially during bagyong Pedring, we sought comfort in food and home made miryenda.

Simple to make and affordable. You will need
(1) bananas saba variety not too ripe
(2) lumpia wrapper
(3) brown sugar
(4) Langka
(5) cooking oil

Slice the bananas into thin strips, arrange in the middle of lumpia wrapper, insert some langka threads and sprinkle with brown sugar. Roll neatly and seal with a few drops of water. Fry in hot oil. Drain in paper towels or tissue. Serve hot.

Good with coffee or tea. Enjoy!
comfort food even in the worst kind of weather.

Friday, September 9, 2011


This post was inspired by an article I read many years ago about a journalist sharing her experience of the Philippines. One of the things she will miss is taho, as there is no taho in Sydney.

Usually on offer locally on the streets by a man shouting with all the air in his lungs "tahooo, tahoooo". I remember when I was young we bring out our own cups and glasses. Taho is served with sago and caramel. Soft and warm, you can drink it after swishing it around or you can use a spoon and slowly savor like I do.