Saturday, September 13, 2008


Syempre when you are in Seattle, a mountaineer must visit the flagship store of REI. It was a huge store but very similar to the one in Bonifacio High Street ROX. I think that was patterned after REI. My cousin Edward has a membership card he lent us for the day. I guess I was expecting more but it was a bit anti-climatic because it is so much like ROX. Still I was excited to see all those gears. I took my time looking at the TNF jackets on sale but the choices are not that many.

There were a lot of gear on sale but still over my budget. But still I was able to buy a pair of pink TNF slippers for baby which is 50% off. I was trying on the largest size for kids but they didn't have my size. Oh well, it was not meant to be.

Until the next day which I received a huge blessing. I will be sharing about that in the coming post!